
Monday, December 26, 2011

Motivation Mondays!!! 12/26/11

I hope you all have had a Merry Christmas , but now its time to get back to our goals and burn all that food you may have consumed over Christmas day. 
I found This little doohickie, yes I just said that. This is just a little reminder of what you have to do to reach your goal.
I hope that you all have had a great Christmas!!
Yvonne- Marie

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bio Oil

If you are loosing weight or if you have had a little injury that caused a scar This product does work. I purchased it about a month ago and any stretch marks i had faded in color so they are basically white or exactly my skin color. I have looked around for everyones reviews, and this product had a lot of good reviews.
This here is the product
If any of you have this product or know someone who has used it let me know what their opinions are.

Monday, December 19, 2011

a bad three days!

Finals are finally over!!!!! I have not been eating to well because i have not had time to organize my food and most of my studying time has been spent in no other place but STARBUCKS. The center of good and evil. between the star bucks and any food place that can pass us a sandwich in a matter of five minutes. But tomorrow starts a new day. I am ready to go back to how i was eating the days before the last three and to actually be able to hit the gym everyday for four hours. SWEET. Well that's a short sweet poorly written  update but i'm in a hurry i need to sleep and i also have an eye infection. Yea yea its been that kind of week.

Happy Holidays,

Motivation Monday!!!

I have searched the web for a good plan but, with all my searching i only found one or two options that i know i would feel comfortable. But then I found this, I think its an awesome little chart to look at for reference.
Happy Holidays,

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Green Goddess Dip!!

  • 1 cup 1 percent low fat cottage cheese
  • 1/4 cup boiling water
  • 1 cup lowfat sour cream 
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley leaves
  • 1 tablespoon fresh tarragon leaves
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1/4 cup minced fresh chives
  1. Process the cottage cheese and boiling water together in a food processor until smooth, about 30 seconds. 
  2. Add the sour cream, oil, lemon juice, parsley, tarragon, garlic, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon pepper and continue to process until combined, about 30 seconds. 
  3. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the chives. Cover and refrigerate until the flavors have blended, about 1 hour. Season with salt and pepper to taste before serving. 
Nutritional Facts
Servings: about 2-1/2 cups (1 serving = 3 tablespoons)

Calories: 50
Total Fat: 3g
Saturated Fat: 0g
Cholesterol: 5mg
Sodium: 125mg
Total Carbohydrate: 1g
Dietary Fiber: 0g
Protein: 3g

RECIPE FROM: The America’s Test Kitchen Healthy Family Cookbook, page 41

Friday, December 16, 2011

Blueberry Sherbert!

So do you  want an ice cream  that you don't have to feel guilty about Well here you go I found this.
Blueberry Sherbet

  • 2 pints of blueberries, rinsed
  • 1/2 – 3/4 cup light agave nectar ( I went with ¾ cup given that ½ cup wasn’t as sweet as I would like)
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract (optional, but kinda recommended)
  • 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tsp vodka (or any booze you have lying around)
  • 1 cup heavy cream (or almond milk if going the vegan route)
  • Pinch of salt
  1. Place the blueberries in a small sauce pan. Pour the agave nectar, pinch of salt, and vanilla extract, if using. Stir and place the blueberry mixture on the stove and bring to a simmer over very low heat. Cook until the blueberries soften, about 15-20 minutes.
  2. Stir in the lemon juice and vodka and allow to cool completely.
  3. If you wish, puree the blueberries and their liquid in a blender or food processor until smooth, then press the mixture through a strainer to remove the fruit pulp**. Transfer the pureed mixture to an airtight sealed container and chill the mixture thoroughly, preferably overnight.
  4. When the mixture is thoroughly chilled, fold in the heavy cream, and then freeze in your ice-cream making according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This makes a quart of sherbet – And should last in an airtight sealed container for about a week. That’s if it makes it that long.
  5. ** I wanted whole blueberries in my sherbet, so I didn’t puree the mixture. I just strained it a bit and added blueberries that remained whole.
I found This awesome recipe at Gossip chef  on tumblr, Go check her blog out.

Happy Holidays,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holiday Burn!!!

So for those weekends where we are too busy to run to the gym or  be able to run for 2 to 3 hours and stuff. So i found this floating around in the web somewhere and decided to share this with you.

Time: 30 Minutes
Warm Up: Run in place, squat, jumping jacks, dance ANYTHING. Move for 5 minutes before you start. Cool down with a march in place before stretching.
You’ll need: A mat, a timer, a wicked playlist and a KILLER attitude!
Goal: Complete as many rounds of these exercises as possible in 30 minutes.
12 exercises, 12 reps each. No breaks scheduled in between, but take them if you need it (Push!)
Beginners: Aim for 3 rounds
Intermediate: Aim for 4-5 rounds
Advanced: Aim for 6+ rounds.
Remember, modify the moves to your level! It’s YOUR workout: no need to jump if you’ve got bad knees! This is for time, and the goal is to keep your heart rate up by engaging your muscles and moving as quick as YOU can. Feel free to use modifications if you’re slowing down!
Basic Tips/Modifications
Squat jumps: Sit down and BACK in a squat. Keep the weight in the heels of your feet (you should be able to wiggle your toes). Explode up, reaching your hands to the sky and jumping off the feet. Land softly, back in the squat and repeat. Modification: You can squat, stand, THEN jump, and squat down again. This can help if you’ve got knee problems. You can also eliminate the jump all together.
Air Jacks: Like a regular jumping jack, except you lift your legs out to the side and off the floor (think like a firework or an X). The jump can be quick, but sink down to get more power before each jack. Modification: regular jumping jacks.
Pushups: In plank position, lower and push yourself off the ground. Since we’re going for speed, ANYONE can feel free to use the modification from your knees (advanced peeps: 6 rounds of 12 modified pushups is intense too!)
Lie Down, Stand Ups: Exactly as it says. Lie down with your hands and feet outreached in one line (like someone is pulling on your feet and hands in opposite directions). Bring your knees and hands in, and rock up (or use your hands) to a squat position, then stand. Reverse the movement by LOWERING yourself down first, and using your hands to get back to the ground. Contract your abs and protect your back during this movement. Modify by going slower.
Plank Jacks: In plank position, hop your feet out and in like a jumping jack. Keep your hands DIRECTLY under your shoulders. Modification: Step your feet out one at a time, then back in. Beginners, you can be on your knees for this one, and step your hands out instead.
Lunges: Lunge forward, alternating legs. Weight should be in the heel of your lunging foot, and push off that foot to return to standing. Knees should stay over the top of the toes, and not past. Think about lowering your torso to the ground, instead of propelling it forward.
Reverse Lunges: Same as the lunge, but step backwards instead of forwards. Catch yourself, and keep the weight in the front heel. Alternate with each lunge.
Cobra To Plank: Get on your belly! Extend your hands and feet out (like someone’s pulling on them) and lift your chest and legs off the ground (like superman flying). Hold for 1-2 seconds, then return to plank position. Repeat.
In & Out V-Sit crunches: On your tush (use a pillow if you need to), draw your knees into your chest. Hands can be off the floor, or by your sides and behind you for balance). Draw the knees in and push them out. Keep your back flat, think ‘good posture’, and keep your core contracted. Modification: Basic crunches are find here.
Split Squat Jumps: From a squat position, step one foot out behind you just a few feet. Sink low into your front heel, and ‘wind’ your arms up by bringing them behind you. Explode off the front foot, jumping in the air and bringing your arms up to the ceiling. Switch legs in mid-air, and land softly on the other side. Repeat. Modification: Do a mini-lunge forward and then jump up, or eliminate the jumps and do another set of lunges instead.
Squat Kicks: Squat down low, and as you raise up lift your leg and kick forward. Use the ball of your foot (the part right under your toes) to push OUT during the kick, and remember they don’t have to be high. Repeat changing sides.
Tricep Dips: Off a bench, chair or couch, position yourself so that your bum is OFF the seat, but scrapes it as you lift and lower. Hands behind you for support, weight in the palms and facing forward. Lower your body down to the ground until your arms are parrallel to the floor and form a 90 degree angle. Raise up quickly. Repeat.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Karims Tip to burn fat

They are various  types diets that have attracted the attention of the mis-informed.Burning fat is something that complex and depends on the very design of your body.I started researching and eating and exercising the correct way.I have lost a total of 10 pounds with a 1 month span  Listed below is a few tips to assist in the battle of the bulge.

1)  Eat more but smaller- Food gives your body the energy to burn fat. If you continuously starve yourself instead of eating your body goes in "survival mode". It will burn muscle instead of fat.Your body needs energy to efficiently burn fat.Therefore eating small meals every 3 hours will give your body energy and give your metabolism a boast.
2) Resistance training is a must- Completing resistance workouts and pushing your body to max with a mix of 30 second rest time ,is a must to get your body lean. Walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes will not change your body. You need to damage your muscle fibers because your body will burn fat into energy to repair your muscle fibers.
3)Diet- Here is a list of things that is a must for a lean body. Foods rich in fiber, Foods low in fat,protein and your daily dose of veggies.Here is a example diet below

Breakfast-- Cereal rich in grains,soymilk, fat free bran muffin egg whites
Snack- Protein bar or small salad
Lunch tuna sandwich with whole wheat bread
Snack-A cup of almonds
Dinner - Steamed salmon and vegetables
Snack- green tea

 Follow these three steps and you will have that killer body.

Blue Print Cleanse

So  to give you a bit of back ground I work for Blue Print Cleanse.
I have cleanse before when i started working but never made it through simply because i just wanst dedicated enough. Tomorrow i will do a one day cleanse that will probably kick my butt. but i will do it you just watch me.
Any way there are so many benifits to cleansing too many to name. What I love about our juices is that They are Fresh and Taste oh so good!!!!

Although our cleanse is not meant for Weight Loss almost every client i have ever known has lost alot of weight doing the cleanses especially when they do it once a week. I will only be doing it once this week from my company but i will be using the GNC lean shake meal plan for one other day this week and then maintain my healthy diet for the rest of the week.

So i will be telling you how i feel at the end of the cleanse and my progress for the week.
If you have any questions about GNC lean shake meal plan or Blue Print cleanse feel free to e-mail me at

Hello KArim

My beloved bf and awesome hunk!
he will be posting his thoughts tips and progress on this page

Monday, December 5, 2011

Yvonne & Karim's how to lose weight with out starving.

With all the thinspo blogs out there and girls starving themselves to be skinny there are so many misconceptions about how you should eat for weight loss. We have collaborated out different view down bellow for you.

1. eat breakfast like a king
no more fruit loops. no more skipping breakfast. no more pop-tarts. make sure you get some protein, complex carbs, and fat! (an example of a good breakfast)

2. eat more frequently!
i eat 3 healthy meals and 2~3 good quality snacks. but that doesn’t mean i eat big portions. that keeps me from becoming extremely hungry!

3. say no to refined carbs
foods like refined pasta and white bread do nothing for your body. make them whole grain! oh and just because they’re whole grain doesn’t mean you can eat a lot of it because it’s “healthy”. keep your portion in check!

4. lift weights
sure, cardio may burn more calories at the time but lifting weights will make your body burn more calories even AFTER you’re done lifting. and no, lifting beer cans during parties doesn’t count.

5. think before you eat
don’t eat from boxes while standing around the kitchen. don’t stuff your face with leftover cookies. eat what’s good for you but also delicious. and also, take your time and enjoy the food!

6. indulge - once in a while
don’t suppress your appetite forever. you need to eat what you crave once in a while or else you’re going to end up binging on that food! besides, a world without your favorite foods? that’s just miserable! just make sure you eat a small portion of it - 1 scoop of ice cream

7. balance
i know tons of people who just eat fruits and veggies to lose weight. but guess what? that doesn’t mean your’e going to lose weight. first of all, you only have 1 food group, second of all, you’re eating absolutely no protein. try to balance your protein and carbs!

8. learn to love intervals
intervals are fun, less time consuming, and burn more fat! what more do you want?

9. don’t use your calories on EMPTY calories.
that means soda, mayonnaise, chips, and etc. those kinds of foods don’t fill you up but are high in calories. so use your calories on foods that are worth it!

10. eat good-for-you fats
it makes you feel full, helps you stay satisfied, and controls your appetite. besides, your body needs it!

Happy blogging!

For those days you want something that taste fancy.

Okay yes i flirt with being vegan and vegetarian sometimes i do eat chicken or fish when im feeling week. I do not want to take the B12 pills because i already take enough medication for my heart disease. Unless you need a pill don't take another one.

Motivation Mondays!!! hoot hoot

learn to balance. Remember you can see progress but if you stress our your also letting your body put on weight. Don't binge and remember to do any form of exercise  is beneficial  even on your busy days.

What she ^ said

Sunday, December 4, 2011

ME and KArim

So obvisously this is not exactly me and karim its obvisously justin and mila. But after a great JETS Game this is definately us.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

DAY 8 has been painful

Yesterday i worked out for four hours and today i was super duper sore here is my score for the day.