
Monday, December 5, 2011

Yvonne & Karim's how to lose weight with out starving.

With all the thinspo blogs out there and girls starving themselves to be skinny there are so many misconceptions about how you should eat for weight loss. We have collaborated out different view down bellow for you.

1. eat breakfast like a king
no more fruit loops. no more skipping breakfast. no more pop-tarts. make sure you get some protein, complex carbs, and fat! (an example of a good breakfast)

2. eat more frequently!
i eat 3 healthy meals and 2~3 good quality snacks. but that doesn’t mean i eat big portions. that keeps me from becoming extremely hungry!

3. say no to refined carbs
foods like refined pasta and white bread do nothing for your body. make them whole grain! oh and just because they’re whole grain doesn’t mean you can eat a lot of it because it’s “healthy”. keep your portion in check!

4. lift weights
sure, cardio may burn more calories at the time but lifting weights will make your body burn more calories even AFTER you’re done lifting. and no, lifting beer cans during parties doesn’t count.

5. think before you eat
don’t eat from boxes while standing around the kitchen. don’t stuff your face with leftover cookies. eat what’s good for you but also delicious. and also, take your time and enjoy the food!

6. indulge - once in a while
don’t suppress your appetite forever. you need to eat what you crave once in a while or else you’re going to end up binging on that food! besides, a world without your favorite foods? that’s just miserable! just make sure you eat a small portion of it - 1 scoop of ice cream

7. balance
i know tons of people who just eat fruits and veggies to lose weight. but guess what? that doesn’t mean your’e going to lose weight. first of all, you only have 1 food group, second of all, you’re eating absolutely no protein. try to balance your protein and carbs!

8. learn to love intervals
intervals are fun, less time consuming, and burn more fat! what more do you want?

9. don’t use your calories on EMPTY calories.
that means soda, mayonnaise, chips, and etc. those kinds of foods don’t fill you up but are high in calories. so use your calories on foods that are worth it!

10. eat good-for-you fats
it makes you feel full, helps you stay satisfied, and controls your appetite. besides, your body needs it!

Happy blogging!

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